Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Zucchini Pasta

I use the Spirooli "spiralizer" to make these zucchini pasta strands. They are delicious!

diced onion & garlic
olive oil
zucchini noodles
morel mushrooms
salt & red pepper flakes

There are lots of different directions you could take this dish. Whatever you've got in the fridge, freezer, pantry.. use it up. Thats what I did!
I keep roasted eggplant in my freezer, so that I have it on hand for quick dishes. This dish probably took 15 min to make, with prep time.

Heat up a little olive oil in a pan, add the onion, once it cooks for a few minutes add the garlic and cook an additional minute. Add the zucchini, it should cook pretty quickly since its sliced so thin. The eggplant I used also cooks real quick because it was pre-roasted & living in my freezer. Chop it up & throw it in. Add the morels.. once the eggplant & morels are cooked through and the zucc is good and wilted add the spinach until it wilts as well. Garnish with parm salt & red pepper... Enjoy!

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