Monday, February 7, 2011

Butternut Squash Pizza Sauce

I made this for some friends from culinary school, we ate it so fast that I forgot to take a picture!
For the pizza dough, you can buy your own or follow a general recipe on the web. I used a package of gourmet spinach infused dough that my Momma put in my stocking for Christmas :) She knows what I like. Thanks Mom!

The pizza would be great with cheddar, or kalamata olives, or however you want to dress it up. I chose a simple vegan route, and topped it with caramelized red onions.

1 medium butternut squash, peeled and chopped
1 drop maple flavoring/ or maple syrup to taste
8-10 fresh sage leaves
salt and pepper to taste
Toss chopped butternut squash in oil, salt & pepper then place in an oven safe container, filled 3/4 with water and cover with foil. Bake at 400 until squash are very soft and can be easily pierced with a fork.
Place squash in blender or food processor and season with the rest of ingredients.
I used the remaining squash puree for the soup in the following recipe.

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