Saturday, March 24, 2012

Blending Herbal Teas at Home -Headache Relief

Herbalism is a big passion of mine. This is the next subject that I plan to dedicate myself. It exhausts me that our society is so dependent on prescriptions and pharmacies. I think that many prescriptions mask the real problem and add a ton of harmful side effects. Most people don't know that along with a healthy diet and exercise.. the answers are literally growing in your own backyard!

 I'm designing a headache relief herbal tea for a friend of mine. Headaches can happen for a huge variety of reasons. Sometimes, its your body letting you know that you need to drink more water, as headaches are often a sign of dehydration. So when your head starts to pound, always reach for some H20 and start chuggin.
Recent studies have also shown that many people who experience migraines on a regular basis suffer from a food intolerance; a more subtle version of a food allergy. This is a topic many people need to look into. Finding out you have a food intolerance can make your life sooo much easier. You'll have more energy, your skin & hair will look better, you'll have an easier time sleeping and losing weight, and your mood and digestion will improve greatly. Something to think about.

I'm making 2 teas. One for the evening and one for daytime. The big difference is the yerba mate and the valerian root. The former speeds you up and the latter will slow you down, in a significant way!
You should be able to find most of these ingredients in the bulk department of your local health food store. If you're lucky like me, you may have a local store totally dedicated to Herbs!! I bought many of these at Austin's the Herb Bar.

The following plants have many medicinal properties. Ill give a short explanation of their use in today's teas.

Cinnamon Chips yum. Im a cinnamon-aholic. This bark has germicidal properties and can aid in abdominal discomfort. I'm adding it to this blend because it also improves circulation annnd its delicious. 

Dandelion Root- this is one of my favorites, so I add it to almost all of my blends. It has a long list of uses and is a good source of Vitamin A. Some of its uses are to treat skin issues, liver disease, bladder infections, hangovers and high blood pressure. Its also one of the best herbs for relief from bloating and water retention.

Feverfew- Studies have shown that feverfew has benefits for treating people who suffer from migraine headaches. Other uses include arthritis, endometriosis, hay fever, menstrual  problems and sinus infections. 

Lavender mmmm what a luxury. I'm adding lavender today because it relieves stress and anxiety and promotes relaxation.

Licorice Root - another favorite. It has lots of medicinal properties, can treat anxiety, and it adds a lingering sweetness that you can taste in the back of your throat. A welcome ingredient to any tea, especially if you don't want to add any sugar/sweetener... just add some licorice root!

Rose Hips-  I'm adding these for their tangy fruity flavor, theyre rich in vitamin C and they have anti inflammatory properties.

Skullcap - use of this herb is somewhat new to me, so I'm excited! People have been using it for centuries to treat muscle spasms, tension and headaches. It may even help to lower blood pressure.

Spearmint - I usually don't enjoy food or drink that are mainly flavored with mint. I do however like it as a subtle addition. I'm using this herb today for depth of flavor, but its uses include a digestive aid and relief from nausea.

Valerian Root - this is a staple in my home. I usually keep it in tincture form (like an extract), so that I can just take a dropper before bedtime, and I keep the dry roots on hand for tea making. Valerian is a strong sedative and relaxant. Oh, how i love valerian after a long day when I need to unwind.

Yerba Mate I'm currently off the caffeine and have been going strong for a few months now.. but if I was for some reason going to drink some.. I would choose Yerba Mate. Caffeine tends to give me anxiety and jitters. Yerba Mate does not. It can be used as an appetite suppressant, allergy relief and to improve sleep patterns.

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